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英国Robert Welch中国酒店用品渠道

来源:WWW.VANDA123.COM   发表时间:2014-06-14   作者:全球酒店用品专家万达商城   T | T




  英国的Robert Welch品牌创建于1960年,荣获皇家工业设计奖,是目前英国刀叉的领导品牌之一,其设计产品的艺术性,时尚性已被众多博物馆收藏,设计风格的简单明快,流畅型品牌的Robert Welch,具有独特的切工、卓越的设计、良好的手感、不易磨损的工艺、物有所值的价格赢得人心,是酒店、餐厅的首选品牌。

  Robert Welch不存在OEM情况,因此产品质量得到了极好的保证,无论从外观设计,原料选择,工艺加工都有极高的水平,性价比极高。其中“Staton”系列是今年的主打系列,同时为了降低磨擦带来的划痕,以及减少服务员在摆台时的指纹,Robert Welch也推出了全磨砂和半磨砂系列。

  Robert Welch从去年年初进入中国市场,到目前品牌的认知程度以在一步步上升,发展区势较为乐观。

Robert Welch, appointed royal designer to industry, was one of Britain's leading industrial designers of the 21th century. After training at the Royal College of Art he specialised in stainless steel production design, establishing a company in his own name in the early 1960's.

From the outset the Robert Welch mission has been to combine a search for innovation with a sincere respect for the traditions of the past. Ouality ease of use and fine design are in harmony. 

Although the studio designs for manufacture in many forms and materials, Robert Welch is best known for its unique ranges of stainless steel cutlery. The key factors being excellent design, balance, weight, function and durability.

Collectors please note: Some of the most notable Robert Welch designs are on display at the Victoria & Albert Museum and the British Museum, London; the Applied Art Museum, Copenhagen; the Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam; and the Museum of Modern Art in New York.


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