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来源:WWW.VANDA123.COM   发表时间:2014-06-14   作者:全球酒店用品专家万达商城   T | T




Our industry is at its highest competitive levels. Whilst the allure and elegance will always exist, the expectations of profit are now taking precedence.

Food and labour costs have already been sensibly reduced in order to achieve this objective. This leaves an important remaining avenue of investing wisely in equipment that offers the correct solutions and ultimately operational returns.

The two departments we have selected desperately needed attention as the industry had become entrenched in sound product but ones which had not advanced in line with the shift in operating attitudes.

Our contributions have brought new and revitalized concepts that ,in today's market, are essential to your competitiveness.


Each department incorporates a selection of products that are clever, personalized and offer years of continuous hign performance. Collectively, they create systems that are flexible and effective at producing results.


There are endless opportunities we can create to suit your project needs. With a vast variety of options, styles and  models, we tailor our products perfectly to suit your investment.


The speed, storage and logistical advantages of our Collections offer proven and swift results. The true cost of the products is not only the outlay, but also in their operational returns.


Our planning, service and quality control is exceptional and creates rewarding client confidence. From your initial enquiry you will enjoy our precise approach. You will be offered prodcut direction and advantage, floor planning, client references,forwarding advice, industry comparisons, partnership rewards and a guaranteed after sales program.


The corporate alliances we have developed are testament to our industry acceptance. We enjoy exciting collaborations through workshops, private exhibitions and college tutorials.


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